Find Balance with B6

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Delve Deeper Into B6

Since 2000, I've been aiding my clients in surmounting the obstacles that hold them back in life. Life is too fleeting to remain unhappy, uncertain, or unfulfilled. Allow me to assist you in acquiring and honing better strategies to tackle the issues impeding your goals. Reach out today to discover how I can help you.

  • Coaching Services

    Unlock Life's Full Potential


    Life presents numerous surprises, and while we can't always predict outcomes, we can control our responses to various situations.


    Explore the concept of acceptance and learn how to wield your power of choice in navigating life's twists and turns.


    Empowering you with tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle is my mission.


  • Corporate Connections

    Guidance & Motivation

    Through my coaching sessions, your team or community will develop proficiency in addressing issues effectively, regardless of when or where they emerge. Contact me today and get started.

  • The Brotherhood

    Embrace Life’s Challenges

    This offering is highly valued by numerous clients, often regarded as a vital component for achieving a more joyful and healthier lifestyle. An annual journey with your brothers, fostering connections and mutual upliftment to inspire personal growth, perseverance, and self-improvement.

B6 SUCCESS STORIES: Real Men, Real Results

  • Will Glascoe

    B6 has been and continues to be essential to my life and I believe society as a whole. As a young black man from Baltimore City, to be vulnerable was a sign of weakness soon to be exploited. Yet, I believe in order to grow you must have some vulnerability. B6 has allowed me to grow by providing me a safe place to be vulnerable and express my ideas and feelings without judgement. I've also experienced how the relationship among the members of B6 is far from superficial and gores beyond the weekly meetings. I've literally had multiple members and several different occasions reach out and counsel me over the phone at some of my lowest points for hours on end. In fact there was point where a member came to my home to help me through a difficult situation. With that, B6 is also a place of accountability. B6 has provided me honest feedback and critique. Not only has B6 encouraged me to meet the standard I set for myself the group has actually challenged me to raise it.

  • Stephen Walwyn

    It never occurred to me that it was possible to find anywhere a supportive network, consisting of just men and the issues that beset the majority of men, while getting the best clinical expertise available anywhere in America…. All in the absence of a cold clinical atmosphere. I needed a place to attend each week that helped me to grieve the loss of a toxic relationship; a safe place to be heard while healing, and a spot where I could assist other men at the same time, even without realizing that my presence and issues were helpful to them. I found that place in B6. I have become a much better man while helping others to be better men. I never miss!

  • David Hartman

    In this stressful time, it’s more important than ever for men to have a safe haven where they can authentically discuss real issues that impact their lives in a safe, supportive and open environment. B6 offers that environment to everyone…every walk of life, every past, everywhere. The common bond is to live better and to be better men. Better men in all the ways that word encompasses– morality, mental/emotional heath, personal responsibility and accountability as well as community. I whole-heartedly support the B6 mission and am a proud participant in the program. You need not feel like you have problems in order to benefit from B6. It is a learning environment and social support network that can help every man seeking to improve themselves.

  • Wayne Brewster-McCarth

    It's my first time ever participating in a men’s group, and to say the least the experience has been incredulous.

    For the first few sessions I simply listened in to get a feel as to the process. I immediately noticed that this group is comprised of men from different ethnicities and backgrounds knitted together by commonalities as well as some differences in our life’s experiences.

    What is remarkable is the profound respect that the men have for each other, I have never witnessed disrespect on any level. There’s a saying that “one should never judge a book by its cover,” that holds true for B6, for as you listen to the men as we share our innermost pain, disappointments and even our joys, there’s an incredible level of intellectual prowess and processing as we men share the issues of our hearts and minds that are received with such a high level of respect and understanding. Someone observing us from the outside may never expect what they are seeing or observing.

    There’s integrity and honor that courses through the hearts and veins of these men under the venerable leadership of Mr. Troy Jones. I’m of the strong opinion that the B6 Organization must be replicated nationally and internationally so that men everywhere can know that there is an effective and viable alternative to deal with our hurts and pain; as well as a conduit to healthy interactions and fellowship.

  • Lawrence Martin

    I've been with B6 for a several months. I truly appreciate the opportunity to talk openly, and honestly with other men. I got a chance to share my experience about living with MS or multiple sclerosis as a father of two boys and a husband. I'm always looking forward to our every Wednesday meeting. Certain emotions only Men can relate to I feel comfortable and confident that it stays with the Men in the meetings.

"Better Men Create Better Men"

Troy R. Jones

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